Taxi in car security camera system

Date Time: October 18, 2023
Reading volume: 501
Author: YUWEI

Taxi in car security camera system

YUWEI Taxi in car security camera system is a leader in the commercial vehicle monitoring field, creating intelligent industry solutions with the help of artificial intelligence and big data technology. This solution integrates operation regulation and safety monitoring, forming a closed-loop management system that provides efficient, safe, and convenient travel experiences for both drivers and passengers. As the demand for taxi monitoring increases, it becomes crucial to adopt the YUWEI Taxi in car security camera system to monitor the behavior of drivers and passengers. Only by widely deploying such systems can we achieve peaceful coexistence between drivers and passengers, ensuring the safety and quality of journeys.

Taxi security camera system

Benefits of the Taxi in car security camera system

1. Protecting drivers from attacks, violence, and other threats.

2. Monitoring driver behavior to prevent speeding, drunk driving, fatigue driving, etc.

3. Preventing violence and robberies, reducing the risk of taxi driver fatalities.

4. Providing visual evidence as valuable video evidence for criminal investigations.


To prevent such incidents, taxi companies should equip their vehicles with safety measures, such as installing and maintaining security cameras and displaying camera installation signs. These cameras not only provide real-time visual data but also serve as a deterrent, prompting passengers to follow the rules.

Advantages of the YUWEI Taxi in car security camera system

Taxi security camera system

Driver Behavior Monitoring System

   For frequent unsafe driving behaviors during the driving process, such as fatigue, smoking, phone use, distractions, failure to wear seat belts, etc., an advanced Driver Monitoring System (DMS) detects various driving conditions in real-time and issues timely warnings.


Advanced Driver Assistance System

   The Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) focuses on various sudden situations during vehicle travel, helping drivers anticipate risks in advance and take timely measures such as braking and steering to avoid potential road hazards.


Intelligent Monitoring System

   Supports real-time positioning communication, remote live preview, video data storage, vehicle operation data storage, driver face recognition, fare evasion alarms, passenger counting, and other functions. It provides powerful technical support for local data storage and remote online management of vehicles, helping the industry solve vehicle basic management issues.


Multi-functional On-board Terminal System

   Provides software-based fare calculation, real-time positioning, communication, platform interaction, dispatching, trajectory replay, remote fare adjustment, and other functions. Additionally, the equipment provides various alarm services, such as one-click alarms for drivers and passengers, speeding alarms, fare evasion detection alarms, abnormal mileage alarms, illegal operation in restricted areas alarms, etc., ensuring passenger and driver safety while enhancing the travel experience.


Monitoring Backend:

   The YUWEI Taxi security camera system not only enables vehicle monitoring, dispatching, video retrieval, and operational data display but also allows for safety control of drivers' risky driving behaviors.

Table of Contents

Taxi in car security camera system
Benefits of the Taxi in car security camera system
Advantages of the YUWEI Taxi in car security camera system
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